Bild från iDance-workshop
15 March – 17 May 2025


IDance is one of the workshops we offer at Skånes Dansteater. It is specially tailored for disabled participants. IDance is open to all with an interest in dance or if you are meerely curious. If you have never danced before, don't worry, no previous experience is required!

During a season we meet on Saturdays, every other week, at Skånes Dansteater in Västra Hamnen in Malmö, to explore what contemporary dance is and how we can express ourselves with our bodies. Dancing together, building trust and encouraging curiosity is the main focus.

A workshop consists of a combined warm up, some improvisation exercises activating your body and your creativity. Now and then we end the workshop by creating some choreography together.

The workshops are led by the dancers at Skånes Dansteater, together with our workshop leader Embla Mårtensson.

Sign-up and price

IDance workshops are available for free, taking part doesn't cost anything.
Since this workshop has a maximum number of participants pre-registration is required for taking part in the workshop.

Sign up for the workshop via email to or by phone 0703-44 58 11.

Good to know

  • No previous dance experience is required.
  • Maximum number of participants is 25 persons.
  • The workshops are held in Swedish and English, but we will help with translation.
  • Wear loose fitting clothes that you feel comfortable moving around in. We dance in socks or barefoot.
15 March  –  17 May 2025
Skånes Dansteater
From 15 years
2 hours

"experience contemporary dance based on your own body"

—  Embla Mårtensson, workshop leader
Bild från iDance-workshop
Bild från iDance-workshop