Jing Yi Wang
Dancer at Skånes Dansteater since 2009.
Jing Yi Wang was born in 1986 in Shan Xi, China. She was educated at Guang Dong Dance School in Guang Zhou, China, between 1997-2001.
In 1999 she was sent by the Ministry of Education of the P.R. China to the University of Cambridge in England for exchange studies. 2001-2003 she went to Guang Dong ATV Academy for Performing Arts in China to study contemporary dance. In 2007 she also studied dance at Conservatoire national de région de musique, danse et d'art dramatique in Perpignan, France.
2003-2007 she worked as a full time dancer in Guang Dong Modern Dance Company in China. She has toured with the company in USA, Canada and several European countries. In 2008 she worked at Désoblique Company in France as an apprentice.
Jing Yi joined Skånes Dansteater in the autumn 2009, and is a part of the permanent ensemble. As a dancer at Skånes Dansteater, Jing Yi has been involved in productions such as 'in:finite', 'Transit', 'Carnival of the Animals', 'Remind Me I'm Not Dead' and 'Mozart's Requiem', among others.