About Skånes Dansteater
A company in motion
Skånes Dansteater is a company in motion. Whether you are one of our regular guests or someone who has yet to discover us, there is a place for you here with us. We offer you a chance to be challenged, be moved, learn, discover and rediscover.
The venues may vary. Most often we perform in our own theatre in Malmö, but sometimes we play other venues such as Malmö Opera. We annually tour Southern Sweden as well tour nationally and internationally.
We are funded by the Municipality of Skåne. This means that we are owned by the residents of Skåne and that we belong to everyone.
Skåne Dansteater is a member of Svensk Scenkonst, Swedish Performing Arts Association, an employers and industry association.
What we do
Skånes Dansteater is a contemporary dance repertory ensemble presenting works by Swedish and international choreographers.
Performances are given on our own stage, located in the Västra hamnen area of Malmö (where the company′s own productions as well as guest performances and other events are also held), as well as at the Malmö Opera and on tour in the Skåne region, Sweden and abroad. As a performing arts institution one of our utmost responsibilities is to offer you broad and varied repertory. With performances of high artistic quality we contribute to the development of dance as an art form.
Our performances are one part of our operation. Our outreach and community program Dialog presents a different array of dance programming over the year. We offer dance workshops, interesting lectures, inspiring seminars, talks and tours.
Dialog main focus is accessability. We want to make dance more accessible to everyone, even if you've never had any previous contact with dance. If you're allready interested in dance we want to open up opportunities to ddepen your knowledge and experience.
Skånes Dansteater works actively with increasing participation and making dance as an art form more accessible. We collaborate with dancers with and without disabilities, with professionals and non-professionals.

Are you intrerested in becoming a sponsor?
Dance has few barriers. Without limitations of language and cultural background there is no need for previously aquiered knowledge to be enveloped in the world of movement and music.
There are various possibilities where your organisation can partner with Skånes Dansteater. For further information, please contact us.
Contact: Stephanie Westerlund