Bild från föreställningen Vår Dag.
Behind the scenes

Vår Dag, introduction


A performancce introduction to our art and dance experience 'ÅR DAG'.

'VÅR DAG' is an immersive durational performance offering a sensory space of light, movement, and dance when the Swedish winter is at its darkest and grayest.

World premiere November 28, 2021.

Choreography: Tina Tarpgaard in collaboration with the dancers, with inspiration from Skåne’s inhabitants.

Music: Lars Greve with inspiration from Skåne’s inhabitants.

Sculpture: 'Water' by Malin Bobeck Tadaa.

Lighting design: Peter Lundin.

Costume design: Åsa Gjerstad.

Music, co-producer: Anders Bach Pedersen.

Dancers:Maria Pilar Abaurrea Zardoya, Kit Brown, Samuel Denton, Laura Lohi.

Tina Tarpgaard
Production year