A short, easy and calm dance workshop for babies and their accompanying adults.
A space for dancing and new friends on Monday evenings. Free admission.
Dance workshops for disabled participants. Free admission.
Accessible activities are activities that have been specially adapted to a specific group’s needs e.g. Deaf, disabled, over 60’s.
A dance workshop welcoming everyone over 60 years.
An all day workshop of dance technique and choreography for dancers 15-21 years.
Explore choreography with our dancer Facundo Ebenegger. Welcomes all ages 15-110 years.
Dance with us from home in a softer pace.
Explore choreography with our dancer Marion Rastouil. Welcomes all ages 15-110 years.
Explore dance with our dancer Simone Frederick Scacchetti. Welcomes all ages 15-110 years.
A 4-day professional training course designed to offer pre-professional movers different dance approaches and styles connected to the work of Skånes Dansteater.
A 3-day professional workshop led by HURyCAN for dancers, comedians, acrobats, circus artists, and anyone that is complicit with their own body.