Två dansare i visar styrka och elegans i en krävande omfamning där ena dansaren hålls uppe av den andra.
4 March

… and they both fell into the sky

A guest performance on memory as symbol, form, and escape by choreographer Efva Lilja.

All our experiences through life are stored in our memory. Some experiences we embrace forgetting, others we immediately understand the significance of. The sum of our life experiences, and therefore our memories, are what make us who we are.

A valuable memory can hold both wonderful and difficult experiences. It can serve as a refuge and, in our storytelling, as a poetic metaphor. For this to work, we need to use our own deeply personal memories without making them private. We must dare to reveal our own vulnerability and how the situations we have found ourselves in have affected our actions.

The duet “... and they both fell into the sky” describes, with the multi-layered expression of dance, the journey that all people make through life, based on trust, love, resistance and the doubts that often follow crucial decisions in a complicated time.

"My work is to choreographically restructure and reformulate the so-called reality, to capture and share our experiences and memories. For me, choreography is a wonderful tool for exploring the relationship between the emotional and the physical, the individual and the collective, embodied through the dancers' movements and voices. Our body is our home and starting point as we move through memories and experiences, navigating and creating new ones through life and work.  Every choice we make affects what comes next." Efva Lilja 

The performance was produced with support from the Swedish Arts Council and the Swedish Arts Grants Committee.

Thank you to Weld for unwavering support and consideration. Thanks to MDT and Skogen for residency, to EMS for recording studio, to Sundbyberg's dance school for studio time and to Dansens hus for support with scenography.

4 March
Skånes Dansteater
Recommended from 12 years.
Approx. 60 mins, no intermission.

"For me, choreography is a wonderful tool for exploring the relationship between the mental and the physical, the individual and the collective, embodied through the movements and voices of the dancers."

—  Efva Lilja, choreographer
