7 September – 20 September 2024

Club Domino

During the summer, Skånes Dansteater's outdoor performance Domino had audiences swaying to the beat in the parks. In September, the performance is revived again, as the indoor performance Club Domino.

Club Domino is a vibrant explosion of joy and energy with magnificent costumes and live DJ.  A captivating dance performance by Italian choreographer Erika Silgonerdissolving the borders between the worlds of our imagination and reality.

In Club Domino you are surrounded by wonderous creatures and the set design unfolds. Everything comes to life to the heartbeat of the show's DJ and sound designer Tuomas Norvio. Club Domino dreams of an inclusive world, where coexistence with others is seen as an asset.

Join the fun!
The audience moves freely in the auditorium during Club Domino. On some occasions you will have the opportunity to join the dancers and start to move yourself, but this is completely optional.

7 September  –  20 September 2024
Skånes Dansteater
Recommended from 7 years.
Approx 45 mins, no interval.

"A performance that becomes a festival"

—  Sydsvenskan om Domino

"An experience for the eyes, ears and more. It was fun to participate in the joint dance!"

—  Publikröst om Domino

Creative team


Erika Silgoner in collaboration with the dancers

Lighting design

Erika Silgoner


Tuomas Norvio

Costume design

Bregje van Balen

Set design

Theun Mosk

Erika Silgoner

Club Domino is a message of peace and joy, it's the desire to break down the barriers of mistrust and imagine a more inclusive world.

—  Erika Silgoner, koreograf



260 kr
0-18 år

130 kr
Under 26 år

130 kr

130 kr

195 kr
Rullstol vuxen

260 kr

0 kr
Grupp 10+

195 kr