Bild från gästspelet The Cat Who Wanted to
Performances Kids & family
25 November

Danslördag: The Cat Who Wanted to Change Her Tale

A dance-puppet fusion show for the whole family based on the Sanskrit story The Cat, the Owl, the Lizard and the Mouse. Fantasy figures, in a tale about friendship trust and collaboration by Spanish choreographer Thomas Noone.

The Cat, the Owl, the Lizard and the Mouse all live in the extensive roots of a Banyan tree - they are not friends, perhaps better said predator and prey, yet still they manage to coexist and cohabit the tree.

Their delicate balance is interrupted when the cat is caught in a trap laid by the hunter and only saved when the mouse, on the promise that the cat will never eat her, manages to free her. After the incident the cat tries to befriend the mouse who never can bring himself to trust her, and as a result is finally caught and eaten by the owl. The story deals with trust and loyalty set in contrast with the laws of nature.

In the spirit of the Indian tales, which pose questions about the morals and the reasoning of the characters within, this show proposes a new ending. As the Cat is nearly upon the Lizard, about to kill and eat him, she breaks out of the narrative and questions why she has been cast as the eternal “baddie”. This then provokes a discussion amongst the puppets and we discover a Cat that questions the established roles and the path chosen for her, an Owl who is a stickler for the rules, the Lizard who does not want to make any effort to change anything and the mouse who is too scared to try.


Performances Kids & family
25 November
Skånes Dansteater
From 6 år
48 mins
Bild från gästspelet The Cat Who Wanted to
Bild från gästspelet The Cat Who Wanted to


0-18 år

160 kr