Bild från föreställningen When the Crowds are Gone.

DancePod #5: Dance apprenticeships

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This episode explores some of the pathways that today’s young dance artists take into the profession. We focus on the transition that dance students make in becoming professional artists, and the role a dance company like Skånes Dansteater plays in supporting and nurturing young talent through the dance apprenticeship scheme.

Line Branchereau and Ischa Statie reflect on their apprentice year in Malmö and their hopes for the future.

Hear a brief excerpt of one of Line Branchereau’s favourite moments from Second Landscape, choreographed by Marina Mascarell. And Jon Ipiña Aparicio takes you through a short creative task based on musicality for everyone to try at home.

Line Branchereau, Ischa Statie
Samuel Denton, dansare, Skånes Dansteater
Guided improvisation
Jon Ipiña Aparicio, dansarpraktikant, Skånes Dansteater.
Second Landscape, Yamila Ríos. When the lights are low, The Paragons - Trojan Records 1967.
Kit Brown, Samuel Denton
Production year

DancePod with Skånes Dansteater is also available on most podcast platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcaster and more.