Bild från inspelningen av filmen Intimacy Revisited.
Dance film

Intimacy Revisited



Inspired by a true story of longing for intimacy.
When circumstances change like tectonic plates pulling apart and reality suddenly shifts, who are we then?
What has true value for us?
It can shift your whole perception of yourself and your world, making every step feel like an earthquake.
These questions remain;
Are we actually close even if we touch?
Do we share the same idea of reality?

This project grew as and in respons to reflections and observations of this strange time.

Kristian Bastholm Refslund
Director of Photography
Stefan Stanišić (Bombina Bombast).
Kristian Bastholm Refslund, Stefan Stanišić
Dancers, co-creators
Patrick Bragdell Eriksson, Yiorgos Pelagias, Kristian Bastholm Refslund, Emma Välimäki.
B photo
Oscar Steen
C photo
Henrik Heikki Hellström
Lighting technician
Mattias Jonsson
Costume technician
Khira Fromark, Lena Jonsson
Project coordinators
Samuel Denton, Belinda Nusser.
Production assistant
Mattias Suneson
Asa Sexton-Greenberg: Oracle
Music producer
Devon Henderson
Thank you
Artistic director
Mira Helenius Martinsson
Production year


During spring season 2020 cancelled premieres and performances gave way to new ideas. Dayglow began as pop-up-solos all over Malmö, created from home by the company dancers. These solos then transformed into courtyard performances for senior centres and private homes.

In May Dayglow had evolved further into a film project. Five films created by Skånes Dansteater’s dancers together with five filmmakers based in Skåne. A collaboration of two artforms during an ongoing corona pandemic. Expressing a wish to keep dancing as a dance company and never cease sharing experiences with the community.