Mitridate repetitioner
Behind the scenes

Mitridate, rehearsals


Rehearsals of Mozart's opera Mitridate and interviews with creative team choreographer Fernando Melo, director Ralf Pleger, costume and set designer Alexander Polzin and co-director: Emilia Rault, premiering April 8, 2022 at The Royal Danish Theatre, Copenhagen, Denmark.


Mozart composed Mitridate, his first opera, when he was 15 years old.The opera is written according to the 1770's Italian ideals with vituoso arias allowing the singers to shine brightest. It was performed by a unusually large orchestra of no less than 56 musicians and an eloborate orchestration. In our production the music will be performed by Concerto Copenhagen, one of today's most innovative baroque ensembles and one of Scandinavia's finest early music orchestras.

The libretto penned by Vittorio Amedeo Cigna-Santi tells the story of king Mitridate and his sons competing for the love of Aspasia. Mitridate is a historical person who rueld ove Pontos in northern Anatolia (today a part of Turkey) approximately 100 years before christ. In the opera, as in history Mitridate faught against the Romans but lost.

Mitridate premieres at The Royal National Theatre in Copenhagen, Denmark, April 8 2022 with continued performances also at Malmö Opera in April.


Concept: Fernando Melo, Ralf Pleger, Alexander Polzin.

Direction: Ralf Pleger.

Set, costume: Alexander Polzin.

Choreography: Fernando Melo.

Lights: Olaf Freese.

Co-director: Emilia Rault.

Dancers: Skånes Dansteater: Tomáš Červinka, Jeanne Delsus, Jure Gostinčar, Ange-Clémentine Hiroki, Marco Herløv Høst, Anette Jellne, Hazuki Kojima, Viktor Konvalinka, Dario Minoia, Hanna Nussbaumer, Yiorgos George Pelagias, Tiemen Stemerding, Iris Telting, Emma Välimäki.

Dancer interns: Elisha Mercelina, Alvilda Faber Striim, Oscar Valenza, Mariona Vinyes Ràfols, Philip Vötter.

Mitridate: Stuart Jackson.

Aspasia: Elisabet Einarsdottir.

Sifare: Emőke Baráth.

Farnace: Morten Grove Frandsen.

Ismene: Sarah Aristidou.

Marzio: Sebastian Monti.

Arbate: Kari Dahl Nielse.

Orchestra: Concerto Copenhagen.


A co-production by: Det Kongelige Teater, Malmö Opera, Concerto Copenhagen and Skånes Dansteater.

Fernando Melo, Ralf Pleger, Alexander Polzin
Production year