Skånes Dansteaters dansare Pili Abaurrea Zardoya.
27 October

Dance Workshop: Sunday with Pili Abaurrea Zardoya

A dance workshop and meeting with our company dancer Pili Abaurrea Zardoya, a seasoned performer of the ensemble. 

Join our Spanish dancer Pili in a workshop drawing on her acquired knowledge and experiences of working in the field of contemporary dance. Dancing at Skånes Dansteater exposes our dancers to many different choreographic voices, performance practices and working methods. 

This workshop is an opportunity to meet with Pili closely, gain insight into her role as a dancer and experience how she engages with movement and creative process. She will delve into her own artistic interests and share different tools, techniques, ideas and strategies. 

The workshop will be two hours of play and lots of movement! 

Good to know

The workshop welcomes all ages 15-110 years. 

No previous dance experience required. 

The workshop lasts between 10.00-12:00, after which we have a cup some snacks together, included in the workshop price.

The maximum number of participants in this workshop is 25 persons.

The workshop is held in English.

Our dance workshops welcome all abilities.

Wear clothes that you feel comfortable moving around in. We often dance in our socks, or barefoot.  


Since the workshop has limited numbers, tickets are required. Tickets are 140 SEK and are paid when reserving your place on this website. 

If you need to cancel your purchased ticket please do so we can offer your place to someone else. If you fall ill or cannot attend, contact us via email to for a refund. 

More about Pili Abaurrea Zardoya

27 October
Skånes Dansteater
15-110 years
2 hours
Skånes Dansteaters dansare Pili Abaurrea Zardoya i rosa volangkostym i dansföreställningen VÅR DAG.
Skånes Dansteaters dansare Pili Abaurrea Zardoya i rosa kläder i dansföreställningen Second Landscape.



140 kr