Två dansare i röda tröjor springer snabbt i cirkel efter varandra.
Kids & family Performances
27 January

Danslördag: Original Gods

Friendship, change, life in the school yard and the love of birds big and small, welcome to the feathered world of Teater Tre's dance performance 'Original Gods' for audience 5-10 years.

We all know it well, children young and old live their lives on it and adults remember it, the schoolyard. It can be the most wonderful, playful and inspiring place in the world, where a bench becomes a ship and a shrub a passage to a wonderland. Where friends meet in the timeless space of play. But what happens when your best friend suddenly wants to play by theirself; when one person doesn't feel like playing anymore, and the other doesn't want to do anything but play? Or when the once vibrant and fun place turns into something scary? The performance explores friendship, change, our own peculiarities and how we humans are with each other.

'Original Gods' embraces the schoolyard as a playground and battlefield, addressing the warmth, love and fear it can entail. This is portrayed through the quirky, clever, fast, eluctant, swaying and wobbly expressions of birds. It is a warm and humorous dance theater performance about small birds' schoolyard. A multi-genre work of art where the dancers portray everything from the stressed teacher, the chirping birds to the beautiful peacock.

The title 'Original Gods' is a out of context, playful reference to 'The Birds' by Aristophanes (540 BC) via August Srindberg's prelude to 'The Red Room' and 'Staden ur fågelperspektiv' (A Birdseye view of the City) and a meme of birds wearing capes.


Kids & family Performances
27 January
Skånes Dansteater
5-10 years
30 mins.
Två dansare står fokuserat i profil med händerna mot varandra som näbbar.

Excelling in quick beaks, stretched birds' necks, scratchy claw, nervously shrugging feathers, and swooping wings.

—  Svenska Dagbladet



260 kr
0-18 år

130 kr
Under 26 år

130 kr

130 kr

195 kr
Rullstol vuxen

260 kr
Rullstol 0-18 år

130 kr

0 kr
Grupp 10+

195 kr