19 January

Common Ground

A ritualistic battleground and a tour de force for two dancers by Dutch choreographer Anouk van Dijk.

"Common Ground" centers around two dancers who together explore the balance of power that makes up all human interaction. Two dancers perform an intricate encounter where dance becomes a game of chess, where every move, every movement is based on power, contrast and antithesis, but also surprising countermoves and strategic loss. The dancers' bodies explore spatiality, but also each other's weight, power and flexibility. The movements are born from each other, and the duet spins on through the dancers' loud breathing, pulsating music and a palpable sensuality. In this work choreographer Anouk van Dijk explores the concept of a duet both as a utopian ideal and a display of the inherent complexity that partnerships bring.

"Common Ground" is a poetic study in similarity, equality, defining territory and shifting grounds, testing the tension between the support we need and the limitations of co-dependency. Duet can be seen as a celebration, a utopian ideal of togetherness. The axis to lean on needs a reciprocal axis in return and together they keep each other in an ever-changing equilibrium.

19 January
Skånes Dansteater
From 14 years.
75 mins.

"With 'Common Ground' the important and perilous questions about the world and our lives together are mercilessly put to the test."

—  Sydsvenskan

"70 minutes of dance magic"

—  Skånska Dagbladet
Dansaren Kat Nakui sitter på knä nära i bilden och trycker sitt pekfinger mot det vita golvet medan dansaren Samuel Denton står på händerna och ett ben med det andra benet spänt upp och utåt i luften i bakgrunden.
Dansaren Samuel Denton på händer och knän på ett vitt golv svänger upp sin arm med tyg fladdrande ut som en vinge. I bakgrunden står dansaren Kat Nauki i ljuset av strålkastare.

Creative team


Anouk van Dijk

Electronic music, Sound design

Jethro Woodward


Jean Baptiste Lully, Marin Marais, Johann Sebastian Bach

Lighting design

Paul Jackson

Set design, Costume design

Marg Horwell

Dramaturgical advice

Jerry Remkes

Anouk van Dijk

Fascinated by the feuds between political leaders on the national and international stage, and the public celebrations of their own reign, I explored the dynamics of power.

—  Anouk van Dijk, choreographer
