Två dansare dansar mun mot mun i dansföreställningen Don't, Kiss .Skånes.
Bevara rörelse

Don’t, Kiss .Skånes - dancer Amy Josh


Bevara rörelse: Don't, Kiss .Skånes

Interview extract with the dancer Amy Josh, as part of Skånes Dansteater's project Maintaining Movement. Don't, Kiss by Fabio Liberti performed during April 2024.


Dance is in its essence momentuous. The movement is gone in the moment it is performed. What remains are the traces resonating within us. MAINTAINING MOVEMENT is a research and archive project documenting our experiences of dance. A collaboration between Skånes Dansteater and archivist Celine Orman exploring and developing methods and narratives preserving dance as an art form.

BEVARA RÖRELSE was supported by The Swedish Arts Council 2020-2023.

Production year