Repetitioner Out of the Blue
Behind the scenes

Out of the Blue, rehearsals


Behind the scenes reahearsal work of 'Out of the Blue', choreography by Anouk van Dijk.


'Out of the Blue' departs from creation myths present in cultures throughout history until present day, as a group emerge from an abstracted blue world. They collect, invent and parade artefacts from lost, threatened or imagined worlds in ever-changing processions, uniting, colliding and joining forces again. Ancient rituals turn into commerce, pagan beliefs merge with seasonal feasts, humans transform into cyborg plants.

'Out of the Blue' celebrates the power of the imagination, and the resilience to adapt to unstable conditions as we prepare for a future yet unknown.


Concept, choreography, direction: Anouk van Dijk.

Choreographer's Assistant: Jenia Kasatkina.

Music: Johann Sebastian Bach, Björk, Michael Gordon, Mikael Karlsson, Igor Stravinskij, Kevin Volans.

Arr.: Bob Zimmerman.

Conductor: Daniela Musca.

Set, lighting design: Theun Mosk.

Costume: Jessica Helbach.

Dancers: Alex Blondeau, Tomáš Červinka, Jure Gostinčar, Ange-Clémentine Hiroki, Anette Jellne, Dario Minoia, Hanna Nussbaumer, Yiorgos Pelagias, Emma Välimäki, Tiemen Stemerding, Iris Telting, Riccardo Zandoná.

Children dancers: Maggie Gillberg, Lycke Meggerle.

Dancer interns: Oliver Lund, Oscar Valenza, Mariona Vinyes Ràfols, Philip Vötter.

Vocals: Malmö Operas Barnkör.

Orchestra: Malmö OperaOrkester.

Performances 4 Dec 2021-9 Jan 2022 at Malmö Opera.

Anouk van Dijk
Production year