Tre dansande par med läpparna mot varandra.
Två dansare dansar mun mot mun i dansföreställningen Don't, Kiss .Skånes.
23 March – 28 April 2024

Don't, Kiss .Skånes

A highly original dance experience created by choreographer Fabio Liberti.

Please note: Due to illness, we unfortunately have to cancel the performance of 'Don't, Kiss Skånes' on April 23. If you have tickets to this date, we will contact you. Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to welcoming you to the theater again soon.

'Don’t, Kiss .Skånes' explores the delicate and complex subject of human relations. A reflecting on dependence, our need for emotional and physical connection.

Humans are full of contradictions. We need support and affirmation, affection at the same time becoming frustrated by limitations.

The kiss. The performance holds a physical challenge in which the dancers are connected lip to lip throughout the performance. Joint together literally, they navigate movement, flow and control despite the demanding but voluntary intimacy. 

'Don't, Kiss .Skånes' is love, equality and human contradiction in all its splendid complexity.

'Don't, Kiss .Skånes' was performed outdoors summer of 2022. Now the show performs indoors at Skånes Dansteater.

Discount tickets

23 March  –  28 April 2024
Skånes Dansteater
From 10 years
50 mins, no interval

"an amazingly beautiful piece that I think everyone should watch"

—  Audience feedback

"heart still warm"

—  Audience feedback

"This was something out of this world"

—  Audience feedback
Två dansare dansar mun mot mun i dansföreställningen Don't, Kiss .Skånes.
Två dansare står framåtlutade mot varandra men med endast läpparna mot varandra i dansföreställningen Don't, Kiss .Skånes.

Creative team


Fabio Liberti


Per-Henrik Mäenpää

Lighting design

David Nicolás Abad

Costume design

Åsa Gjerstad


Sara Živkovič Kranjc

Choreographer's assistant

Jernej Bizjak

Koreografen Fabio Liberti, 2024.

A kiss is connection. Conversation. Negotiation. The need.
The urgency. The balance. The push.
Every move becomes a mediation.
Each breath becomes of both.
The conversation is silent and full of words.

—  Fabio Liberti, choreographer



1000 kr