Vit ruta

Pietro Mazzotta

Dance intern at Skånes Dansteater during spring 2024.

Pietro grew up in Lecce, Italy, and then moved to England in 2019 to begin full-time training at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance, where he pursued a bachelor's degree. There, he had the opportunity to work with choreographer Akram Khan, perform new works by Thick and Tight and Mathieu Geffrè, and in his final year, he performed with companies Phoenix Dance Theater and Vocab Dance.

He then joined Verve, the postgraduate company of NSCD, led by Matteo Marfoglia, and obtained his master's degree. With the company, he toured internationally, performing new works by KOR’SIA, Jamaal Burkmar, and Faye Tan.

Upon graduation, Pietro worked and performed internationally as a freelance dance artist, collaborating with choreographers such as Richard Pye, among others. Pietro also worked at the National Dance Company Wales, where he collaborated on a new creation with choreographer Boram Kim for an artistic exchange with the Korean National Contemporary Dance Company.

During the spring season 2024 Peitro will be dancing in among other things our production 'Indigo Flamingo'.